How to Overcome a Fear of Bullies
Avoid taking the bullying personally. Many times bullies are acting out against others because they have low self-confidence and are attempting to make themselves feel better by putting others down.
Speak to a friend, family member, parent or co-worker about the bullying. You might find that other people are being bullied as well. Ask for help confronting the bully or for support with the situation.
Write down your experiences with the bully. Get your thoughts and feelings out on paper and read them back to yourself. Share these thoughts with a friend, and the two of you can work through the feelings of fear.
Speak to a licensed therapist or a trusted spiritual adviser about the fear of bullying. He or she will be able to give you an outside opinion about the situation.
Confront the bully. If you fear the bully will harm you physically, bring along several friends. If you have a child that is dealing with a bully, schedule an appointment with the bully and his parents. Just speaking your mind to the bully will allow you to get back your power.