How to Cope With GAD
Join a support group. When you join a community of people who also suffer from GAD, you will find a group that is understanding and compassionate about your difficulties. Consult your mental health provider for a list of support groups in your area.
Determine the source of your anxiety. Work with friends, family or a mental health provider to figure out the origin of your anxiety and address the issue. For example, if you feel overly concerned about school or your career, create a plan of action to help you achieve your goals.
Follow a treatment plan. If you are prescribed medication for your GAD, or if you regularly see a therapist, maintain consistency in your treatment plan. Do not skip medications or an appointment, because doing so may lead to bigger problems in the long run. If you have a routine that helps alleviate your anxiety, follow this routine to the best of your ability.
Maintain your social life. Keeping in contact with friends and family members may help lessen your anxiety and help you relax. Letting your worries isolate you from others will damage relationships and may hinder your progress toward a lower state of anxiety.
Expect the best. Don't let yourself stall because of your fears. While some levels of anxiety are normal, it is not normal to let your fears rule your life.