How to Stop Blushing Easily
Blushing is the act of displaying redness in the face, usually caused by an emotional or adrenal response. Emotions that typically cause blushing are embarrassment, shame, shyness, modesty and love. While blushing is a natural reaction, when it happens excessively, it can cause embarrassment and social anxiety. This causes some people to avoid any situation in which they might experience excessive blushing. Thankfully, there are things you can do to control frequent blushing over time.Instructions
Write down situations that have caused you to blush in the past. Recognize what triggers your blushing problem. Examples of these are being around a large crowd of people, speaking with someone you are attracted to and making a mistake around your peers.
Breathe. Practice controlling your breath when you are in a trigger situation. Breathe in for three seconds and hold this breath for one second while silently telling your mind to relax. Release this breath in a slow exhale and imagine tension draining from your body. Continue this breathing pattern until you feel relaxed and confident.
Think other things. When faced with one of your blushing triggers, think of a situation that would not make you blush. Write down different situations that make you feel calm such as petting your dog or reading your favorite book. This helps by taking your mind off the situation that is making you blush.
Limit your consumption of alcohol and spicy foods. According to Enrique Jadresic, author of "When Blushing Hurts," both alcohol and spicy foods cause excessive blood flow to your face. When paired with a trigger situation, this makes blushing more difficult to control.