How to Avoid The Fear of Flying
Educate yourself on the mechanics of airplanes and the effects of weather on flying. The more you know about unexpected plane movements and noises and how weather effects air travel, the less fearful you will be.
Become an expert on flight safety. Know what to do in every possible in-flight crisis. You will feel calmer with a solution to every problem that can occur.
Learn what training pilots receive and how they navigate the course.
Learn how the airlines maintain their planes. Be familiar with safety records and statistics on flying.
Handling Anxiety
Identify what makes you anxious about flying. Examples include: having claustrophobia, not liking to lose control, dislike of dependency on others, fear of crashing, fear of hijacking or fear of heights. Discover what makes you anxious so you can control it.
Don't dwell on negatives. Every time an anxious thought enters your mind, replace it with a positive fact you have found while educating yourself about flying.
Arrive at the airport early to avoid last-minute rushes. Plan some activities such as reading or catching up on phone calls or e-mails with your extra time. Staying busy will keep the stress from building.
Avoid consuming caffeine. A stimulant that makes you jittery will add to your stress level.
While flying, limit anxiety by using blocking techniques. For example, listen to music with headphones and close your eyes, or use a sleeping mask. This will help drown out airplane sounds and sights, and limit your reaction to unexpected movements.