How to Get Rid of Performance Anxiety
You need to give an important product demonstration at work or you are playing in a band for the first time. Performance anxiety is part of being human. However, it can cripple you and stop you from doing what you really want to do. Athletes experience it. Musicians do, too. Almost everyone can describe an incidence of performance anxiety. To get rid of it, you cannot fear it, but must deal with it directly. Techniques like breathing, emotional freedom, relaxation, visualization and practice all work. But you must determine what works for you to get rid of it.Instructions
Conquering Performance Anxiety
Practice diaphragmatic breathing. Dr. Kate F. Hays suggests a breathing exercise to train yourself to breath from deep in your belly. Lay down on your back. Place a magazine or newspaper on your belly. Let all your breathe out. Then inhale and attempt to lift the magazine by breathing air into your belly. When you exhale, the magazine should lower back down, as does your stomach. When you get more proficient, remove the reading material and try the technique. Next, practice similar breathing when sitting or standing.
Use relaxation techniques. It is difficult to perform anything when you are anxious. Anxiety makes your hands sweat, throat constrict, heart race and more. To combat it, use methods such as progressive relaxation (systematically relax muscles from your toes to head), autogenic training (alternate between tension and relaxation of muscles) or self-hypnosis (providing suggestions to a relaxed mind). Listen to soothing music before a performance to calm down.
Imagine yourself performing successfully. Visualization techniques are often used by athletes to enhance performance. Start by creating an image of what you would like to happen. If you want to finish a half-marathon, imagine yourself crossing the finish line. Think about what you will look like, what you will hear and who you will see. Add as many details to the scenario as possible. says if you cannot "see" the image, do not worry; even experiencing the feelings and sensations allows you to mentally rehearse for success.
Use the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Gary Craig founded the EFT technique, which accesses acupoints or meridians. By tapping on certain energy centers, while simultaneously feeling intense emotions, you can lessen the intensity of involved emotions. Some people can reduce fear and anxiety within minutes.
Practice until you feel confident. Whether you are going to give a speech or propose marriage, rehearsal can improve confidence. Rehearse in front of the mirror or a friend. Videotape yourself or record your voice. Remember, the idea of rehearsing is to boost confidence. If you are nervous in front of a camera, decide whether videotaping will make you more confident or increase anxiety.