How to Overcome Frozen Fear of Girls
Understanding Your Fear
Know where your fear comes from. Did you have a bad experience interacting with a girl? Has a traumatic event discouraged you from wanting to interact with girls further? Often this can be the case. If you are able to pinpoint what it is that is making you feel this way, you can often defeat it.
Remind yourself that she is only a person, just like you. By remembering that who you are afraid of is a human being with fears of her own, it makes her seem more approachable.
Remember that this is just part of life. Many people, if not all, experience fear or anxiety of the opposite sex at some point. This is completely normal. Romance is a tricky business, and even just talking to girls can be intimidating. Just remember that everyone goes through these feelings, including that person that you have your eye on.
Conquering Your Fear
Take baby steps. You don't have to jump in with both feet right away. Start by making an effort to make eye contact with girls. While looking someone in the eye can seem quite personal, in only lasts a moment. Not only that, but it's nice. This will help you understand that girls are just people. There are plenty of opportunities to practice, such as walking down the street or in a crowded hall. When you feel comfortable enough, try smiling when you make eye contact with someone. It's a natural, friendly thing to do, and nobody in her right mind would be offended at a smile.
Ask yourself what the worst thing that could happen is if you approach her. Picturing the worst case scenario and imagining how you would deal with it can be very helpful, and in some cases even comical. It is critical that you realize the unlikelihood of that scenario. Don't forget to imagine the best case scenario as well.
Decide what you could do to achieve the best case scenario you have already imagined. Perhaps specific behaviors might work well, whereas others would be unappealing. Once you have pictured the outcomes, you may realize that approaching a girl just may be worth the risk.
Say hi. It's a small step and it may make all the difference in the world. It's like being able to make eye contact---a small gesture that for you will mean big things. You needn't be afraid of a friendly hello. Practice lots. It isn't unusual to say hi to people you make eye contact with in passing.
Face your fear. The sooner you are able to break your cycle of being afraid of girls, the better off you will be. Try talking to girls. Light conversation is fine. Even just a small remark about something you have both just observed will do. By forcing yourself to talk to a girl, you will be reconditioning your predisposed response to girls, which is to be afraid of them. Each and every time you talk to a girl and come out of it OK, it will get easier.