How to Overcome an Extreme Fear of Flying
Panic attacks creates intense physical discomfort. People express varying symptoms, ranging from a mild anxiety to full-blown panic attack with dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, muscle tension and tremors, according to the Guide to Psychology. While mild anxiety can be helped by learning how safe flying really is, extreme fear is much more difficult to cure.
Medical Assistance
Individual counseling is helpful for people who fear to fly. Many people with extreme fear of flying rely on anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazapines, more commonly known as Valium or Xanax. However, medication is generally not recommended because anti-anxiety drugs can lower the cognitive ability to recognize and cope with the situation.
Courses and Counseling
Call the nearest large airport and ask about its fear of flying program. Many psychiatrists and psychologists offer help to anxious travelers in the form of cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming.
Virtual Reality Therapy
Virtual reality therapy courses are now available in some clinics and universities, about 30 programs throughout the country. VRT is usually combined with cognitive behavioral therapy and counseling to control phobias. Insurance may help pay for this therapy.