Different Anxiety Reduction Techniques
If you feel anxious, try and distract yourself with any activity that requires some focus and concentration. Read an interesting book, solve some puzzles, play a video game, clean the house, do the laundry or do some gardening. All these activities will take your mind off the worry and also give you a feeling of accomplishment after completion.
Muscle relaxation can provide relief and take your mind off anxious thoughts. To practice muscle relaxation, sit or lie down in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Starting with your hands, go through a repetitive pattern of tensing and relaxing each muscle in your body. Then relax your body and take some long, deep breaths.
Breathing techniques are also helpful in alleviating anxiety. Slowly count to five as you inhale through your nose. Hold your breath and count to five. Slowly exhale and count to five as you do it. Take two breaths in your normal pattern and then repeat the slow, voluntary breathing. Breathe smoothly and avoid sudden movements or gulping in air. Perform this exercise for about five minutes.
If you are faced with a stressful situation, it is normal to feel some anxiety. To calm yourself down, breathe slowly and count to 10. Keep your mind focused on the counting. If needed, you can repeat the counting till you feel relaxed.
Managing Diet and Exercise
A well-balanced diet, adequate sleep and regular exercise can alleviate anxiety. Eat your meals at the right time and at regular intervals so that you feel energetic at all times. Avoid nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and sugar, all of which can worsen feelings of anxiety and stress.
Practicing Positivity and Humor
Avoid worrisome, negative thoughts. Have realistic goals and applaud yourself for your successes. Watch funny shows or movies that lighten your mood. Play sports and indulge in other fun activities that increase positive feelings and help you release tension. Confide your feelings to friends or family members. Get involved in the community and look for ways to help others. This can give you immense satisfaction and reduce anxiety.