Anxiety Relief Games
Outdoor Games
Take your mind off of anxiety by engaging in a tennis, soccer or basketball game. Concentrating on the ball will help you forget about whatever is causing you anxiety. Ask a friend or family member to come along and make the game into a competition. This will force you to get out of the house, exercise and engage in social activity. The combination will calm the nerves while the act of exercising will raise endorphin levels causing a lift in your mood. Schedule this activity a few times a week and stick to the routine for maximum benefits.
Arts and Crafts
Translate inner anxiety and worries into an art project. Express yourself through painting, drawing or making a sculpture. The act of creating will channel your energy away from worrying. If freely drawing or painting does not provide enough structure to create a diversion for your anxiety try a paint-by-numbers game. This will engage the mind and force it to channel energy away from anxiety. Learn how to knit or crochet and work on a piece of clothing when feelings of worry crop up. Knitting and crocheting is intricate work that requires concentration. Sewing is another great option for an activity to get your mind off of anxiety.
Word and Number Puzzles
Keep a booklet of crossword puzzles and Sudoku puzzles in your purse, desk drawer or glove compartment. Take out a puzzle anytime you feel anxiety creeping up. Locating words and solving a sudoku will take your mind off of your worries while working your brain. If you are not a fan of solving these types of puzzles consider keeping a deck of cards instead and playing a game of solitaire when feeling anxious.