Anxiety Organizations
For people suffering from anxiety, finding information and support regarding their condition can be an important step in learning how to cope and function in their day-to-day lives. Nationwide, nonprofit organizations exist to address the needs of people suffering from potentially debilitating anxiety disorders. These organizations offer a variety of services for people diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, those who think they may have a disorder and those caring for others with a disorder.-
Anxiety Disorders Association of America
The Anxiety Disorders Association of America, or ADAA, is a national nonprofit mental health advocacy group. ADAA sponsers anxiety disorders research, manages national campaigns to raise awareness and seeks to help those suffering from an anxiety disorder to understand their condition and to seek treatment. As a resource, AADA offers information regarding all types of anxiety disorders and different treatment options, gives tips on how to live with anxiety, and helps people find therapists, doctors and support groups.
Freedom From Fear
Freedom From Fear, or FFF, is a national nonprofit mental health advocacy organization that offers informational and support resources to those suffering from anxiety disorders and depression. FFF hosts an online mental health resource library that contains information about the different types of disorders, has an online bookstore, and offers a screening program for anxiety disorders with a free consultation with a health care professional.
The International Association of Anxiety Management
The International Association of Anxiety Management is a mental health organization offering information on anxiety disorders. IAAM is focused on non-medicinal treatment of anxiety disorders and promotes the Linden Method to "reprogram" the brain to eliminate inappropriate anxious responses. It supplies information about anxiety disorders and the physical changes in the brain that cause anxiety disorders to occur.
Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association
The Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association is a nonprofit mental health advocacy organization with a focus on educating people about social anxiety disorders and suggesting treatment options. The organization shares information regarding these disorders and directs sufferers to local support groups, where available. SP/SAA offers access to online social anxiety news and hosts an online bookstore containing books specifically addressing social anxiety disorders.