How do I Diagnose Anxiety & Depression?
Pay attention to your energy level. People with anxiety disorders tend to feel tired all the time.
Monitor your mood. General irritability and inability to relax are also symptoms of anxiety.
Pay attention to unusual physical ailments. Physical symptoms of anxiety include headaches, nausea, lightheadedness, going to the bathroom excessively, and difficulty swallowing.
Consider your sleeping patterns. Insomnia and sleeping difficulties are a sign of anxiety disorder. People with anxiety also have trouble relaxing.
Keep track of how long feelings of sadness or depression linger. Everyone has the blues from time to time. Feeling sad or depressed over a death, failed romantic relationship, or other disappointment is common. However, feeling excessively sad for an extended period of time--2 weeks or longer--may indicate a more severe form of depression.
Check your emotional outlook on life and work. If your feelings of depression cause you to feel unmotivated, disinterested, or hopeless, this is an indication that you are having a major depressive episode. People with depression tend to "see the glass as half empty." Inability to derive pleasure from most activities is a sign of depression.
Evaluate your ability to get things done. If you are having trouble accomplishing tasks at work, school, or home it may be a symptom of depression. Depression interferes with the ability to accomplish tasks and goals.
Reflect on your sleeping and eating habits. People with depression may have a poor appetite or overeat. Inability to fall asleep and excessive sleeping are also signs of depression.