How do I Treat Severe Transient Anxiety?
Getting Help
Seek help from your physician. Give a description of the onset of the condition, the symptoms and any precipitating factors. Ask to be referred to a cognitive behavioral therapist or counselor.
Keep a diary, detailing any episodes of anxiety and panic. Purchase a relaxation CD or tape, and listen to it, following the instructions, everyday. Read about the condition. Ask your therapist to recommend appropriate books. Understanding the condition will help you to overcome it.
Cut down on coffee intake, as this can make anxiety symptoms worse. Do not use alcohol to deal with symptoms. Learn and practice yoga or meditation and eat a balanced diet. Exercise regularly, as this has a calming effect and releases mood-improving endorphins into the blood stream.
Ask your physician about medication if symptoms are very severe. A short-term drug treatment may be helpful in some cases. Look at your life to see if there are underlying factors, such as unhappiness at work, which you are not dealing with in an appropriate manner.