How Do I Overcome the Fear of Communicating and Meeting New People?
Sit with your back straight with one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Take a deep breath through your nose for four seconds. Your chest should only move a little and you should feel your stomach rise. Hold your breath for two seconds. Exhale slowly through your mouth for six seconds. Your stomach should move and your chest very little. Repeat two more times and focus on your steady breathing. Practice this exercise to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety such as dizziness, increased heart rate, muscle tension and hyperventilating.
Identify negative thoughts. Such thoughts could be "I'm going to sound stupid," "I'm going to do something embarrassing or say something stupid," "They're going to think I'm ugly or gross" or "I am going to make myself look bad no matter what I say or do."
Analyze and challenge your negative thoughts. Ask yourself questions: "Will this particular person really judge me negatively? "Even if I seem shy and nervous, will people judge me in a bad way for it?" These questions can help you replace negative thinking with a more positive way to look at things that trigger your anxiety.
Gradually face your fears. Use steps one, two and three to stay calm. Take a friend you know and trust to a social gathering. This is a small step to take in order to build your confidence and coping skills. Talk to a new person after you become more comfortable in a social situation. Focus on positive thinking.