Strategies for Coping With Baldness
Baldness is quite acceptable in our modern culture. Remember that whether you have a full head of hair or none at all, it is only hair. You may hear people joke about baldness, but in general, society is very accepting of baldness and your friends and family are quite aware your hair has nothing to do with the type of person you are. It is human to want to change the way we look. Some may wish to be taller or shorter; perhaps they don't like the way their nose looks or believe they have big ears. It is normal to want to change our appearance but it isn't normal to obsess about it. The first step in coping with baldness it to accept it and learn to live with it. You will find that you have much more time to enjoy life. Remember that how you look does not establish your self-worth!
Feel Good About Yourself
We have all heard the phrase, "no one is perfect". Take it to heart! If you cannot have perfect hair, concentrate on improving other areas of your physical appearance. Perhaps you have been meaning to go to the gym to lose those extra 15 pounds, or you want to work on your tan. Concentrating on areas of your appearance you can change will make you feel better about yourself and how you look. An additional plus is that being physically fit will draw attention away from the fact that you are bald.
Focus on the Positive
Not everything about baldness should be considered bad or cause you to have negative feelings about it. There are many people who enjoy being bald. Consumer Reports asked 8,082 online subscribers what the best thing about being bald was and the top three answers were: 1) there is no need to spend time grooming hair; 2) you save money on shampoos and conditioners; and 3) you can wear a hat without mussing your hair. Everyone has their own reasons to enjoy being bald. Try to think of a few reasons why being bald is beneficial to you.
Other Ways to Cope
Remember that just because you are going bald does not give you an excuse to give up on the way you look. Take pride in how you appear. Your clothing and grooming habits need to show the world that you care about how you look and will also make you feel great. If you have thinning hair, keep it cut in a short style and do not attempt to "hide" any bald spots. Another area of support can come from close friends and family members. Make sure to let them know how you feel about your baldness. The people who surround you daily can be your biggest supporters and help you overcome any worries you may have about losing your hair.