Benefits for Disabled Veterans With PTSD
Veterans with disabilities that stem from an injury that happened or was made worse during active duty, including PTSD, are eligible for tax-free disability compensation. As of July 2010, you may now qualify if your PTSD stems from a "fear of hostile military or terrorist activity," even if you were not actively engaged in combat. You don't need to provide records showing the stressful event happened, but your claim must be consistent with where you served and the circumstances of your service. Veterans with PTSD who were denied benefits in the past can reapply under this new rule. Check or call (800) 827-1000. The amount depends on how disabled you are.
The VA also provides 200 specialized PTSD treatment programs for veterans across the country. Intensive treatment and outpatient care are available to any veteran who completed active military service and who did not receive a dishonorable discharge. Services include mental health assessments, medication, specialized psychotherapy called Cognitive Processing Therapy and Prolonged Exposure, residential rehabilitation, plus group therapy and family support. The Women's Trauma Recovery Program in Palo Alto, California, is a 60-day live-in program for women with war-zone PTSD or military sexual trauma. Call (877) 222-8387 for PTSD treatment details.
The VA has also created a PTSD Information Line at (802) 296-6300 as well as the National Center for PTSD website at to share news and referrals for PTSD. The website gives in-depth information on PTSD causes, diagnosis, related problems and treatment, as well as specialized support for women, employers, family and friends.
Veterans' Benefits
Any veteran, including someone with PTSD, may qualify for a range of other benefits from the VA. These may include a pension, burial allowance, educational assistance, vocational training and employment services, home loans, life insurance, survival benefits and burial allowances. Visit or call (800) 827-1000 to get started.