What Are the Benefits of Anxiety?
Avoiding Harm
Anxiety or healthy fear can help individuals avoid harm. Finding a snarling dog or spoiled food frightening can help a person avoid physical harm. Stanford University psychologists studying anxiety found that it can be beneficial. Their research on the anterior insula, an area of the brain associated with anxiety and fear, claimed an "optimal level of anxiety" occurs when an individual is at the high end of the normal range. This level of anxiety is beneficial because individuals avoid harmful or high-risk situations.
Being Kind and Supportive
Individuals who have experienced strong anxiety know how fearful it can be. They are often sensitive to the needs of others and willing to help. Dr. Thomas Richards, a psychologist specializing in anxiety, points out that anxiety can be beneficial in producing kind and supportive individuals. Those with anxiety are dependable; they worry enough to accomplish assigned tasks. Also, in group-therapy and in life situations, anxious individuals are not critical or judgmental.
Providing Leadership
Business management recognizes a clear anxiety advantage. In order to be a leader, an individual needs to worry about about effective innovation and change. Too much complacency can cause lack of growth or business decline. Michelle Peluso, former chief executive officer of Travelocity, stated, "Good leaders make friends with anxiety." Her point is that anxious business leaders have an edge in desiring their companies' improvement and success. Leaders need to have just enough anxiety to make wise decisions and seek opportunity.