How to Boost Confidence to Attain Goals
Move around as though you are feeling confident while trying to put aside your problems. Changing your physical behavior can have a positive effect on your mental state. Even if you don't feel too confident, try to project an air of confidence. Feeling comfortable around others helps you feel relaxed and clear your mind for focus on work goals
Refrain from worrying about body image and learn to value yourself. Recognize your positive personal attributes and acknowledge your limitations. Confidence is not about being good at everything, but playing to your own strengths. A positive personal belief can help you achieve goals at work and at home.
Try to understand why you feel you lack confidence in a certain area. Is it a lack of understanding about a particular person, job or thing? Identifying your areas of weakness and learning to rectify them can help boost your confidence. Stress can arise through a lack of knowledge or skills to handle particular situations. Learn how to gain the skills you need to boost your confidence.
Speak to friends and family about your worries. Sometimes vocalizing your emotions or fears can help put them in perspective. Other people may have been in a similar situation and may have useful advice to boost your confidence.
Set realistic personal goals for yourself. Don't set out to achieve something that might lead to disappointment if it doesn't work out immediately. Pace yourself in aiming for personal goals and consider breaking them down into smaller pieces. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon it is no use buying sneakers and trying to cover 24 miles in an evening. Try running a mile, then two miles and slowly build up.
Don't expect change to happen overnight. Boosting confidence can take weeks and months to achieve but it is never too late to start. Slowly increasing your confidence each day will pay dividends in the long run.