How to Naturally Reduce Anxiety and Depression and Take Back Control Of Your Life
Write a flexible schedule for yourself for each day of the week. This allows you see everything you need to accomplish. On a sheet of paper make columns for Monday to Sunday and write out your responsibilities for each day. If you just try to remember what you need to do, you can become overwhelmed and stressed. Include seven hours of sleep and at least 30 minutes of alone time for yourself. It will make you more motivated and energized.
Buy a journal and make it a ritual to write at least a page in it everyday. Use it as a place to vent and express feelings. Stay away from words that are limiting and leave no hope for things to get better, like "Always" and "Never." Having hope allows people to fight off depression and anxiety much quicker and easier. Share the journal with someone you trust when you need to.
Write down all the foods you have each day. It is important to consult with a nutritionist to find out the proper calorie and fat intake for your body type so you know what you need to be watching in your food journal. Focus on eating lean meats, protein, fiber, and lots of fruits and veggies and have small portions throughout the day, so your body can feel healthy, and digested. This will improve your overall mood and positive outlook.
Do 40 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, at least three days a week. Running, biking, swimming and yoga are healthy ways to burn calories and release pressure and stress. If you can't get to the gym consistently, try to find time to stretch, listen to soothing music and do a workout video of some kind at home. Some exercise is always better than nothing. Make sure to switch up the workouts so you don't get bored with the daily routine.
Focus on breathing from your gut, not your chest. Watch your stomach to make sure that it is going out when you breathe in and your stomach in when you breathe out. Relax your shoulders and chest and count to four as you inhale and exhale. Repeat five times in the morning and five times at night.