What are some symptoms that a preteen may have an anxiety disorder?
- excessive worry or fear: Anxiety disorders in preteens can cause excessive worry or fear about current or future situations. This worry or fear may be out of proportion to the actual risk or may interfere with daily activities.
- physical symptoms: Preteens may also experience physical symptoms of anxiety, such as stomachaches, headaches, muscle tension, or difficulty sleeping.
- social avoidance: Anxiety disorders in preteens can lead to social avoidance. Preteens may avoid situations or activities that make them feel anxious or uncomfortable, such as social events or school.
- irritability: Anxious preteens may become irritable or easily angered. They may have difficulty controlling their emotions and may react more intensely to minor frustrations or setbacks.
- perfectionism: Preteens with anxiety disorders may be perfectionistic. They may feel the need to achieve perfection in everything they do and may become very stressed or upset when they make mistakes.
- difficulty with change: Preteens with anxiety disorders may have difficulty with change. They may become anxious when faced with new situations or disruptions to their routine.
- separation anxiety: Preteens with separation anxiety may have excessive worry about being apart from their parents or caregivers. They may refuse to go to school or other activities that require them to be away from their parents.
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