Tips on Not Stuttering in Front of Crowds
Know Your Topic Thoroughly
You are less likely to stutter if you are knowledgeable about the subject, so allocate sufficient time beforehand to do the necessary research. The audience will react favorably if you show you have a thorough understanding of the subject, which will boost your confidence and help the speech go smoothly, reports the University Of Kentucky.
Plan your speech thoroughly by using an introduction, main body and conclusion framework. You are less likely to stutter if you feel in control by following a logical order that leads the audience from one point to the next. Use audio and visual aids to help the audience understand the information you are presenting. It's acceptable to use cue cards to keep yourself on track, and having these prompt cards will help you feel secure and less likely to stutter. Psychiatrist Daniel K. Hall-Flavin, MD, of, says, "The more organized you are, the less nervous you'll be."
Often people have concerns about what will happen if they are not able to answer a question or comment from an audience member. Over-preparing can help you anticipate questions that might be asked. You are less likely to stutter if you have over-prepared than if you are caught off guard.
Practice your speech several times so that you are familiar and comfortable with it. You are less likely to stutter if you feel confident with the order and phrasing you will use. Practice in front of a mirror, or ask friends or family members to watch your practice session and give you feedback. Use this feedback to make improvements to your speech before you present in public for the first time. This will help you feel more confident when you do speak in front of crowds.
Use Positive Visualization
People often imagine their speech going wrong and becoming embarrassed in front of an audience. However, if you concentrate on the positive outcome you want, you are more likely to achieve that. Turn negative thinking into positive visualization, and mentally rehearse giving your speech looking and feeling confident, with the words flowing smoothly as you speak in a clear, strong voice.
Breathing and Pace
Aim for a steady breathing pattern to help you avoid stuttering. Before the presentation, take deep, slow, regular breaths and stand upright but in a relaxed, comfortable way. People often speak faster when they are nervous, which increases the likelihood of stuttering or stumbling over words, so aim to speak more slowly and pronounce the words more clearly.