Home Remedies for Nervousness
These colorful vegetables can help calm you down. Foods like bread, pasta and other carbohydrates are known as comfort foods because they release serotonin into the brain. Serotonin is a feel good chemical that calms you and also helps to regulate sleep. Whole grain versions of these foods are better for you than their refined grain counterparts. Vegetables high in Vitamin B can also quell nervousness. Bell peppers, corn and mushrooms are all helpful in combating nerves.
Cutting back
Reducing or eliminating your caffeine intake can vastly reduce feelings of nervousness. Caffeine works by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain; this blockage tells the pituitary gland that there's an emergency and the pituitary gland releases adrenal in response. Adrenal will increase heart rate, pump blood faster and dilate your pupils. This increase in bodily response can increase feelings of anxiety and nervousness. Rather than coffee in the morning, try herbal tea. Instead of a candy bar in the afternoon to wake up, try an energizing breathing exercise.
Breathing Exercises
One of the main symptoms of nervousness is shallow breathing. People will breathe quickly and shallowly when in a panicked state to increase blood flow. When you feel yourself start to breathe or speak too quickly, stop. Take a deep breath. Count while inhaling for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds and then exhale for eight seconds. This is known as the 4-7-8 breathing technique and can be very relaxing. Remember that although you feel nervous, people around you may not be able to tell, so try to relax and act confident.