How to Beat Anxiety Without Meds
How to beat anxiety without medication
Work with a psychiatrist to pinpoint your condition(s) and explore alternative treatments. Because there are many types of anxiety disorders, there are also many treatments. After being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or disorders (some people suffer from more than one type), you can begin to learn more about the disorder and what causes it. Your psychiatrist may also recommend you see a therapist. A therapist is different from a psychiatrist, as they can not clinically diagnose your condition or prescribe medication. Instead, they use psychotherapy to help identify your problems, offer support, find the deep-rooted causes for your anxiety and help to manage your disorder through "talk-therapy."
Experiment with relaxation techniques. The American Psychiatric Association published a 2001 article on alternative therapies which were used to treat anxiety. The article reported that people suffering from this condition responded well by methods of relaxation and meditation. Types of relaxation include autogenic training (the combination of visual imagery and body awareness to bring one into a deep state of relaxation), progressive muscle relaxation (slowly and individually tensing and then releasing your muscle groups starting with the toes and finishing with muscles in the neck and head area) and meditation (repeating a mantra, or a single word or phrase or by focusing ones attention on their moment-by-moment feelings and sensations).
Learn as much as possible about your anxiety disorder. There are many resources that can provide you with valuable information. Look online at reputable web sites such as The Anxiety Disorders Association of America ( and The American Psychological Association ( Recommended books or pamphlets from your doctor may also help.