How to Cure Panic Attacks for Sufferers at a Young Age
How to Diagnose and Treat Panic Disorder In Young People
Panic attacks are a scary form of anxiety at any age, but can be especially frightening for children and teenagers who may not understand what is happening to them. Panic disorders don't commonly appear until young adulthood. Panic attacks can be startling and fear-provoking, often appearing out of nowhere. There are several ways to tackle the annoying and often debilitating disorder that affects approximately 1.6 percent of adult Americans (an estimated 3 million people). As many as 10 percent of young people have been diagnosed with panic disorder.
Children and adolescents with panic disorder have unexpected and repeated periods of intense fear or discomfort, along with symptoms such as racing heartbeat or shortness of breath. These panic attacks can last minutes to hours. Panic disorder often begins during adolescence, although it may start during childhood. Panic attacks can interfere with a child's or adolescent's relationships, schoolwork and normal development.
Panic attacks have a fairly predictable beginning, middle and end, but nonetheless can be difficult to cope with. Common symptoms include a racing heart, trouble breathing, lightheadedness and chest pains.
Anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, are highly treatable for people of all ages. Several medications can help prevent panic attacks. Individual or family therapy may benefit a struggling child.
Family members can work together to learn stress-reducing measures or ways to avoid discord to help reduce the likelihood of a panic attack. The child can be taught techniques to prevent the onset of a panic attack. Sometimes a combination of therapy and medications is optimal.