How to Get Over Anxiety

Anxiety is a very real thing and can have a negative effect on your well-being, preventing you from fully enjoying life. Anxiety may feel similar to nervousness or fear. Getting over anxiety may be challenging, but is possible. Here are a few steps that will help you to get over anxiety.


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      Talk to your doctor, therapist or counselor about the type of anxiety you are feeling. If anxiety is preventing you from enjoying life, it's time to treat it. Visit your doctor and/or counselor and tell him or her what is bothering you. Come up with a plan of action together and visit your doctor and/or counselor on a regular basis for check-ups.

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      Since some levels of anxiety are worse than others, medication may be necessary to treat these conditions. Take medications prescribed your doctor or therapist. However, medications may treat some symptoms and not others. Some medications may also be addictive and have negative side effects.

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      Identify the source of your anxiety and face it. Often times, it is situations or people that will trigger anxiety in you. First, identify what the source of the anxiety is. Once you have identified it, do not ignore it, but face it head-on. If you avoid it, it will become harder to face the next time, thus creating more anxiety.

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      Join a support group. It may be beneficial to join a group of others suffering from the same type of anxiety as you. You will become a support to others as others become a support to you. Through the support group, you will have the opportunity to share your feelings with the members of the group, as well as hear the feelings of others. A support group is a great thing to be a part of.

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      Take good care of yourself. You can get over anxiety much easier if you are in good health. Drink lots of water and eat healthy, regular meals. Exercise on a daily basis and stick with a regular routine. Develop a regular sleep pattern and avoid drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.

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