Help for Curing Anxiety
There is a variety of medications prescribed for anxiety including anti-depressants such as Prozac, Cymbalta and Zoloft. All of these work to increase levels of serotonin in the brain which relieves anxious symptoms. Some doctors also will prescribe anti-anxiety medication for a short-term event or one-time cases, like prior to a flight or anxiety caused by a specific event for a limited time.
In addition to medication, many doctors recommend therapy with a licensed psychologist or social worker. Most popular is cognitive therapy which helps a person analyze his thinking patterns that may cause the anxiety. Long-term therapy also would be in order for those with deeper, long-term issues.
Holistic Therapies
There are many holistic therapies recommended today to help treat anxiety such as yoga, meditation or biofeedback. Surf the web to find yoga or meditation centers or biofeedback specialists in your area. Exercise of any form also has been recommended to reduce anxiety--consult with your doctor to find the right exercise regimen for you.