What is Mailbox Syndrome?
Mailbox Syndrome
As blogger Amit Agarwal described it, "If you find yourself staring at your inbox wondering what it is you should be doing, you have probably got mailbox syndrome."
Empty and Full
Several bloggers (including journalist Susan Poremba in her blog "I Breathe, Therefore I Write) describe "empty mailbox syndrome." The user rushes to the computer, or simply doesn't leave it, eager for an Email to arrive. "Full mailbox syndrome" refers to a compulsion to save every Email or to allow Emails to collect unopened until an Email inbox is full.
Urban Dictionary
The "Urban Dictionary," an online dictionary of slang, does not list "mailbox syndrome."
The Urban Dictionary does list "Crackberry," a derivative of "BlackBerry," the mobile phone/Email device. As Urban Dictionary defines, "Users/owners are typically addicted to checking Email and swapping short messages on the device," appearing as "addicted as a crackhead is to the pipe."
Clinical Diagnosis
The current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), published in 1994, does not recognize "mailbox syndrome" or any Internet-related pathologies. DSM-V, which is set for release in 2013, presumably will address Internet addiction.