Divorce & Child Anxiety
According to Divorceinfo.com, it is common for children of divorcing parents to experience anxiety issues. Symptoms include nausea, headaches and dizziness.
Children suffering from anxiety may appear withdrawn from social situations and demand more attention than normal from parents. They may also revert to old behaviors like bed-wetting and thumb sucking.
Change and separation are the basic roots for anxiety during a divorce. Your child may be afraid of changing schools and leaving friends. They may also fear that they are the cause of the divorce.
Patience is generally the best way to deal with a child's anxiety during divorce, says Divorceinfo.com. Listen to their fears and give them realistic but reassuring responses. Also, developing as much stability as possible can help reduce some anxiety.
You should not talk to your child about your own anxiety during a divorce. While discussing your fears with someone is vital during such a difficult time, your fear will do nothing but amplify your child's fears and anxiety.