The Best Ways to Get Rid of Mice Phobia
Mouse Pictures
Begin by placing photos of mice around your house. Do a simple Internet search for mouse photos, and print them. Put the photos in your bathroom, in your kitchen, even on the seats of your chairs.
By substituting a photo for the real thing, the presence of pictures of mice will begin to feel normal, and the fear of actual mice will begin to subside. The high frequency of your encounters with these mice pictures will help you to feel that mice are a normal part of your experience.
Observe Real Mice
When you begin to feel comfortable with pictures of mice, start interacting with the real thing. Make a trip to a pet store that carries mice. For support, bring along a friend who takes your mouse phobia seriously.
Start by watching the mice cage from a distance. If you begin to feel overwhelmed by fear, don't give in to the feeling. You are far away from the mice; they are in a cage; they can't hurt or scare you. Continue to maintain your distance from the cage until the fear subsides, and gradually move closer.
Take as many trips to the pet store as you need to overcome this fear, but make sure you're getting closer to the cage every time. Eventually you should be able to put your face up to the glass and recognize that the mice can't scare or hurt you.
Hold a Mouse
Once you've overcome your fear of being near mice in a cage, it's time touch a mouse. Get a pet store employee to bring a mouse out of its cage. Be sure to let the employee know that you are attempting to overcome your fear, so he is aware in the event that you panic or have to leave.
Watch as the store employee holds the mouse. Have your supportive friend hold the mouse, too, so that you can see that the mouse won't hurt her. Once you feel in control of your fear response, take the mouse into your own hands. Let it run up and down your arm. You'll soon realize that the mouse isn't going to hurt you, and that it's really cute and harmless.