Communication Techniques About Anxiety & Death

Talking about anxiety and death can be a difficult subject, so it's imperative that you practice appropriate communication techniques. There are many things to be aware of when you're talking about these subjects, including tone of voice, body language and the environment that the communication takes place in. Knowing how to implement good communication techniques helps to facilitate a therapeutic dialogue between you and the individual.
  1. Communication Techniques

    • Death and anxiety are realistic parts of life that at one time or another need to be addressed. When discussing these sensitive subjects, you need to be aware of the environment that you're in. Make sure that there's not a lot of traffic and that the environment is quiet.

      Communication techniques entail being aware of how you say things to the individual who is struggling. You can start by letting him talk about what's on his mind. Do some reframing, which is verbalizing back to the individual what he just said.

      Make sure that your body is leaning inward toward the person you're speaking with---this helps him know that you're interested in what he has to say. Don't form any opinions; just listen and let him speak freely with no censorship.

      The individual is likely already suffering from anxiety, so make sure that the tone of your voice is low and soft. Don't try to talk over him, and wait until he's completely done with his thought before you speak.

      Speak clearly; don't mumble or retract any words that you say. Let the individual know that what they are experiencing is normal and OK. Make sure that you validate his experiences and acknowledge his struggles.

      Talk to the individual about his own fears associated with death and anxiety. Try to have him look at death in terms of spirituality and a natural life cycle. Make sure that you summarize the conversation and pull it all together at the end of the discussion.

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