Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks in Middle Aged Women
Heart Palpitations
The feeling that your heart is racing or skipping beats is common in anxiety attacks, as are feelings of chest tightness and pain. While usually harmless, heart palpitations can be one of the scariest symptoms of an anxiety attack, sending many people to the hospital fearing a heart attack.
Dizziness is a symptom of an anxiety attack, and presents as feeling faint or experiencing vertigo. It is extremely unusual to faint during an anxiety attack, so if you do, you'll need to see your health care provider to see if you have an underlying health issue.
Irrational Thoughts
You may feel like you are dying or are disconnected from reality ("depersonalization"). You may also have feelings that you're going crazy or that you are about to do something embarrassing. According to reports at the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, depersonalization is the feeling that things around you are not real, which can contribute to the other negative feelings.
Intestinal or Bladder Problems
Sudden urges to urinate or have a bowel movement are also symptoms of an anxiety attack, which occurs because all the systems in the body go into overdrive.
Breathing Problems
Feeling shortness of breath or that you cannot breathe deeply enough are both symptoms of an anxiety attack.Shortness of breath can cause the feelings of dizziness as you begin to hyperventilate.
Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are common in middle-aged women who are going through menopause. They are also a common symptom of a panic attack. They contribute to the sweating, trembling and shakiness that are also symptoms of anxiety attacks.
Rubbery Knees
You may feel like your legs will no longer hold your body upright, or that you cannot walk. Although your legs may be shaky, you should be able to walk.