Nutritional Supplements for Anxiety
Benefits of Vitamin B Complex
Vitamins to Treat Anxiety Disorders One of the most effective supplemental anxiety treatments is Vitamin B complex, which contains inositol and targets the neurotransmitter systems that mediate worry and stress symptoms. Vitamin B regulates neurotransmitters in the brain that are connected to anxiety. Elderly patients are at particular risk of B12 deficiency, while women on oral contraception or estrogen replacement are at increased risk of B6 deficiency. Thus, they are at increased risk for anxiety disorders. Vitamin B complex occurs naturally in yeast, liver, eggs and vegetables.
Vitamin Deficiency
Kava Kava has been used as a ceremonial beverage for thousands of years Other nutritional supplements to treat anxiety include folic acid and omega-3 fatty acid. Anxiety is the most common symptom of a folate deficiency. Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency also correlates with an increased rate of both anxiety and depression. .
Herbal Remedies
The herb kava kava, used as a ceremonial beverage in the Pacific Islands, has also been found to be effective in treating symptoms associated with anxiety. Kava kava produces similar results as prescription anti-anxiety medications. Though the herb calms the mind, it should be taken with caution as it causes liver damage.
Panic Attack Prevention
Panic disorders, also associated with anxiety, are often caused in part by a depletion of serotonin levels in the brain. Nutritional supplements that provide long-term treatment of panic disorders include amino acids, which are essential to normal brain function. Melatonin, a hormone made from serotonin with powerful antioxidant properties, is also used as a treatment for panic attacks. Taken at night, melatonin mellows out the mind and ensures a restful sleep.
Lifestyle Changes
In general, people who suffer from anxiety disorders are encouraged to eat a healthful diet with high quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables and plenty of water. Avoiding alcohol and foods high in saturated fat also helps curtail the stress of anxiety. With proper nutrition, vitamin and herbal supplements, a panic attack or other extreme effect of anxiety disorders, can be prevented.