How to Use Interactive Light Therapy to Eliminate Anxiety
Ask your doctor or therapist if Interactive Light Therapy could be right for your recovery. ILT is generally reserved for people who have undergone recent physical or emotional trauma and who are suffering from psychological disorders because of it.
Understand the principles of entrainment and their relation to ILT. Basically, entrainment is the process by which two different cycles begin to cycle cohesively, as when two pendulum clocks sync up, and ILT uses this principle to find an appropriate cycle for the patient's brainwaves. It is important that a patient understand why the therapeutic methods used in their treatment are used, so they do not get the wrong idea of what to expect from the treatment or the results.
Schedule and attend an appointment for ILT with a licensed practitioner. The actual process is very simple and not at all demanding. According to, ILT generally involves seating the patient 2 feet in front of a screen that flashes light and color into their eyes while a facilitator is present for verbal interaction. ILT sessions generally provoke feelings of relaxation, and a calm and focused mind with a deep sense of happiness. (See Reference 2)
Continue your ILT treatment as long as is necessary. Though many people report improvement after the first one or two sessions, additional sessions may be necessary to allow the brain to retrain itself completely. Keep up to date with both your regular medical practitioner as well as your ILT facilitator.