How to Overcome the Fear of Change
Acknowledge that changes are going to occur throughout your life. While you have the power to control some aspects of your life, there will always be unavoidable changes in your own life, as well as the lives of those around you.
Talk to your doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing. Your doctor will be able to give a proper diagnosis of your symptoms and note treatment options. Often times, anxiety disorders can be treated with therapy. Your doctor may also prescribe medication to help curb your anxiety and focus on finding ways to deal with your fears.
Eliminate poor health habits, such as smoking, excessive drinking, drug use, unhealthy food choices and lack of sleep. Providing your body with proper nutrition and rest will give you more energy and can help to alleviate nervous behavior. Mayo Clinic notes "carbohydrate-rich meals and snacks are thought to increase the amount of serotonin in your brain, which has a calming effect." Eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates (such as whole grains), and eat fewer simple carbohydrates (sugars).
Discover new ways to channel your fearful energy and anxiety. The American Psychiatric Association notes that those suffering from anxiety may experience "physical symptoms such as feeling sick to your stomach, "butterflies" in your stomach, heart pounding, startling easily, and muscle tension." When you find yourself experiencing these symptoms, go for a walk or practice meditation techniques to help calm your mind and body.
Join a support group. Having regular interaction with others who have had similar experiences can help you to to recognize some of your own tendencies and help others through their struggles.