How to Overcome the Fear of Meeting New People
Embrace who you are. Make a list of the reasons you think someone may reject you. Your list may include words such as shy, boring, overweight, intellectual or nervous. Remember that you want to meet someone who is okay with whatever traits you possess. You want to meet people who like you the way you are. You are alive and a human being, and you ought to love yourself, despite your perceived imperfections.
Develop yourself. If you really dislike certain qualities about yourself, take some time to change them. Do not focus on meeting new people until you have spent some time developing into the person you want to be. This will build your self-esteem and make you more attractive to the people you meet.
Identify ways in which you are phony. If you have stereotypes of how men or women are, you may be trying to impress them by doing or saying what you think they want to hear. For example, you may be trying too hard to be clever or funny if you think that is what women want. They may view that as you not being yourself and be turned off by it. It is important to be yourself in any relationship.
Do not be victim to a negative self-fulfilling prophecy. If you underestimate how much people will like you, chances are you will not approach people and will not give people the chance to like you. Conversely, if you overestimate people's reaction to you, you will be more likely to meet new people and act more positively when you do, which will increase your chances of people liking you.