Holistic Approach to Treating Anxiety & Depression
Diet and Exercise
Diet can have an enormous impact on both depression and anxiety. A diet rich in vegetables, protein and whole grains can help your brain to function at optimal levels. When you eat many processed foods, you ingest chemicals that can be detrimental to brain functioning, and that, according to anecdotal evidence, can actually increase anxiety and depression. Eat foods that are close to their natural state and avoid additives such as aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG), which are excitotoxins that cross the blood-brain barrier and can have anxiety-provoking effects on people who are sensitive to them. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, MSG can cause flushing, chest pain and feelings of detachment in some people.
When eating to treat anxiety and depression, avoid large fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Fluctuations can cause mood changes, such as the infamous "sugar crash." Keeping blood sugar levels steady by eating reasonable amounts of whole foods and eliminating refined carbohydrates will go a long way toward reducing anxiety and depression.
A study conducted by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center found that depressed individuals who did aerobic exercise for 30 minutes three to five times per week had a 47 percent reduction in their depressive symptoms after a 12-week period. Exercise can also reduce anxiety symptoms, because engaging in physical activity burns off the excess adrenalin that is produced when people are under stress.
Besides eating healthfully and getting a moderate amount of exercise, you can take supplements that can help alleviate anxiety and depression. Take 250-500 milligrams of magnesium citrate every day and see if it reduces muscle tension. You can also get extra magnesium by soaking in an epsom salt bath or by eating foods that are high in magnesium, such as almonds, spinach and black beans.
The jury is still out on whether or not fish oil eases depression. It is possible that it may help some people, but not others. Since fish oil has other health benefits, such as cholesterol reduction, it is worth a try to see if taking two capsules a day of fish oil for two to three months has a beneficial effect on depression.
Many people report that meditation or prayer is a balm for anxiety and depression. Simply sitting in silence and focusing on healthy belly breathing for 10 minutes can give the body and brain a message of calmness and relaxation. Try inhaling for a slow count of five and exhaling for a slow count of seven. Make sure that your breath makes your belly rise, not just your upper chest. Focus on a higher power or a peaceful word and dismiss any intrusive thoughts. Meditate daily for the best results.