Natural Cures for Hyperventilation Anxiety
When we are tense or on edge about something, it is common to begin to breathe faster and harder unconsciously. When this tendency becomes severe, you may feel like you cannot breathe. This condition is known as hyperventilation. In addition to shortness of breath, you may have chest pains, clammy hands and an elevated pulse. Since these symptoms may also indicate more serious disorder, you should visit a doctor if you have these symptoms. In the meantime, try a few simple home methods to alleviate your anxiety.
Behavioral Therapy
You should only practice intense behavioral therapy under the supervision of a psychologist or licensed therapist. However, feel free to try more moderate behavioral therapy approaches at home. In behavioral therapy, you aim to confront the sources of your anxiety. Think of whats conditions typically lead to your bouts of hyperventilation. Is it something at work or school? Perhaps you have a fear about something. One behavioral therapy approach is to face your anxieties head on. Do not shy away from them but rather confront the fears until they no longer frighten you.
Another technique is to replace one behavior with another. Rather than let your anxieties drive you to a state of hyperventilation, take a walk when you feel especially anxious. Sports, games, cooking, reading and watching movies are just a few activities that may help delay the onset of an anxiety attack. Over time, you will hopefully learn to control the anxiety completely.
Healthy Home
Sleep deprivation, hunger, an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and a cluttered house may all add or lead to anxieties. Try to get 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (e.g. walking or jogging) four to five times a week. Also, cook your food at home in healthy oils such as olive oil and aim for eight hours of sleep a night.
As you take strides to improve your sleep patterns, eating habits and activity level, think of ways to make your home more inviting. Some people may like to take baths while others will enjoy video games or a fluffy movie. Experiment with different activities to see which ones calm you. The more serene your mind is, the less likely that small worries will become major anxieties and sources of hyperventilation.
If you do experience hyperventilation, sit up and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and count in your head from ten to one backwards. Then exhale. Continue this process until you feel more relaxed and your breathing steadies.