What Increases Anxiety Symptoms?
Stimulants are notorious for increasing anxiety symptoms. Anything containing caffeine can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Avoid coffee, tea, colas and chocolate.
Foods containing sugar can indirectly increase the amount of adrenalin in the body by spiking blood sugar levels. When blood sugar then falls, the body releases adrenaline to help blood sugar rise to a normal level again.
Stress, such as that caused by marital problems, work difficulties and health issues, can increase anxiety symptoms. Individuals coping with anxiety symptoms should take measures to reduce the amount of stress in their lives. Meditation, exercise and clearing up unresolved issues can all help to reduce stress.
Lack of Sleep
To have good mental health, sufficient sleep is crucial. Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. (Reference 2) Regularly getting less sleep than needed can cause an increase in anxiety symptoms.
Many people use alcohol to cope with anxiety symptoms. However, alcohol can trigger panic attacks, which are an accumulation of intensified anxiety symptoms. (Reference 1)
Negative Thinking
Negative thinking can lead to an increase in anxiety symptoms. Becoming aware of negative thoughts and taking steps to eliminate them can reduce levels of anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy can reduce negative thinking and help relieve anxiety symptoms. (Reference 3)