How to Beat Anxiety & Depression
Try some meditation:
Spending even just a few minutes in meditation can restore calm and inner peace, according to researchers at the Mayo Clinic. Meditate while walking, waiting at the doctor's lobby, during a meal, or even in the middle of a difficult business meeting. Simply think about something other than what's causing the tension or bad mood---an object, image or place, or a mantra or your breathing. Don't fret when your mind wanders. Just return to your focus of attention. -
Don't let the word scare you; "exercise" doesn't mean running in marathons. Any form of physical activity---yoga, football, walking, gardening, washing your car or dancing---can relieve the buildup of stress hormones in the body and promote general relaxation. Yoga's gentle stretches can help release chemicals in your brain to improve mood. And slow, deep breathing can calm both mind and body. As you move through poses that require balance and concentration, you're encouraged to focus less on your busy day and more on the moment. -
Eat, sleep and be merry:
One of the more difficult things to do when feeling anxious or depressed is to sleep. So, before you go to bed, avoid paying bills and watching the evening news. Instead, spend the last half hour of your day reading a novel, sharing stories with your family, or relax and take slow, deep breaths. And avoid the chocolate cake, coffee, and alcohol at night. Instead, try whole grain foods and drinks, which promote production of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin for a greater sense of well being. -
Treat yourself:
Make some time just for yourself---take a longer route to work or home and listen to a favorite CD; after bathing, rub your hands and feet with lotion; dress comfortably and worry less about what others may think of those flip-flops; get a massage; get a pet; splurge (within reason and budget limitations); "get outta Dodge!"---that is, plan a brief getaway or retreat. -
Natural relief:
There are a number of safe and popular herbs that may help, such as kava, valerian, hops, and passionflower. Valerian eases tension and reduces anxiety; kava relaxes muscles and helps with headaches; hops (Humulus lupulus) can induce sleep; and passionflower is commonlty used to treat children with concentration problems. -
If your anxiety or depression lasts longer that you might have suspected, consult your physician. There are a wide variety of prescription medications to treat every form of anxiety and depression, and they're in an even wider variety of classes. A few of the more widely known groups are tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs,) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and benzodiazepines. Some beta blockers used to treat heart disorders have also been effective in the temporary treatment of anxiety, especially social anxiety disorder.