How to Stop the Negative Thoughts Caused by Anxiety
Things You'll Need
- Pen
- Paper
- Crayons (optional)
- Magazines (optional)
- Scissors (optional)
- Paste (optional)
- Music CD's (optional)
Learn to relax. Many people fail to realize that relaxation is a skill, and like any skill, it takes time to develop and practice. Relaxing does not mean escapism or "zoning out"; but many segments of our culture emphasize the work ethic so strongly that true relaxation is often misunderstood and undervalued. Taking a yoga or meditation class can help you learn the specific techniques of deep breathing and focus necessary for relaxing.
Write down your thoughts. Seeing your ideas on paper helps you become aware of your negative thoughts simply as thoughts. You can realize they do not necessarily reflect the reality of a situation, or that they show only one possible interpretation among many. Once you see your thoughts in writing, try also writing down alternative ways of viewing a situation which are more positive. Allow yourself to perceive the half-full glass as well as the half-empty glass.
Energize the positive thoughts. Try drawing or creating a collage of magazine pictures to create a strong visual image reinforcing the positive. Construct a "soundtrack" for a movie about those positive thoughts and listen to those songs regularly.
Cultivate habits which encourage mind-body health. Get enough sleep. Exercise regularly. Eat foods which give you fuel to create instead of foods without nutritional value. Eliminate or at least cut down on caffeine, alcohol and nicotine as these substances can have a negative impact on brain chemistry.
Accept that life involves uncertainty, that both pleasant and challenging situations may always be just around the corner. Budget the amount of time you give to worrying about the less pleasant possibilities to a certain number of minutes each day.