How to Cure Anxiety Disorders and Depersonalization
Discuss your feelings and any symptoms with your primary care physician. While anxiety disorders are treatable, no treatment can occur until you tell your doctor what you are feeling. Your physician will examine you to ensure that your symptoms are not physically based. She will ask you questions about your family's mental health history and then provide you with a referral to a mental health care professional if she thinks that is needed.
Engage in therapy with a psychiatrist or psychologist. Your anxiety disorder treatment will depend upon the severity of the disorder, as well as the symptoms you are exhibiting. Treatment usually involves a combination of therapeutic measures (cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, medication and relaxation techniques). Participate actively in your therapy to accelerate the cure.
Practice the therapeutic techniques on a regular basis. Regardless of the way the anxiety disorder manifests itself, you will be asked to change both your thinking and your actions when you are confronted with anxiety-producing stimuli (for example, if you "disengage" every time you walk outdoors, you may be asked to touch objects and focus on them to reinforce their reality and your relationship to them). You will always practice these techniques when you feel you are ready to attempt them, and without any coercion on the part of your therapist. In time, you become conditioned to more normal feelings about yourself and your place in the world.
Schedule periodic follow-up physical examinations with your primary care physician to ensure that any anti-anxiety medication you are taking is having the desired effect and is not creating physical problems.