How to Make Anxiety Sufferers Feel Better
Encourage them to join you at the gym. Physical activity can help reduce anxiety levels, but getting to the gym can be a challenge. Invite the other person along, and be sure to choose exercises that can be done side by side. Working out around the anxiety sufferer may help ease her discomfort with working out.
Invite him over for small get-togethers. For many anxiety sufferers, large crowds of people can worsen the feeling of nervousness and cause physical symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting in extreme cases. A small get-together can take the edge off of being overstimulated, but be aware that he may become excessively worried about interacting one-to-one with guests.
Ask how she's doing. Although it may seem like an obvious solution, simply asking how she is feeling and really listening to her can really help ease her anxiety. According to Bob Montgomery and Laurel Morris, authors of "Living with Anxiety," simply talking out fears can relieve anxiety and promote brainstorming for solutions.
Help him brainstorm for solutions. A problem can be simplified by figuring out how to solve it step by step. Ask him what first thing is that he'll need to in order to solve his problem. Have him write down all of his worries, and rank them from the biggest worry to the smallest. After he has ranked them, tell him to imagine the worst possible scenario of a problem for at least 10 minutes. After the time has passed, have him think of alternative outcomes for the problem. This exercise helps him visualize solutions rather than dwelling on how he feels about the problem.
Encourage positivity. Positive thinking can be difficult to maintain for the anxiety sufferer. While you don't want to scold her for being negative, you should acknowledge that her negativity can affect her mood and yours. Help her by talking about subjects that she finds enjoyable, and try to move the conversation away from negativity.
Kindly suggest therapy. Although you're here for him as support, it is unfair to you to be his therapist. A licensed professional can help your friend or relative overcome his issues with anxiety, and reduce the pressure on you to "fix" him.