Energy Techniques to Get Rid of Anxiety
Stop Everything
When you start to notice signs of anxiety coming on, immediately imagine a large stop sign. Imagine the size, shape and color of the sign. Then imagine the word "stop" in bold, white letters. Keep your eyes closed and focus on the imagined image until the anxious feeling passes. Eventually you will be able to conjure up the image immediately without effort and will begin feeling calmer just as quickly.
Deep Breathing
Get into a comfortable position sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Keep your breathing pattern slow and steady. If you still have thoughts racing in your head, say the word "relax" as you exhale each time. Continue the deep breathing exercise until the anxiety passes and you are once again calm.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Get into a comfortable sitting position with your shoes off. Ball your hands into fists as tightly as possible for about 10 seconds, and then relax them slowly. Focus your energy on the tenseness of your muscles and how they feel as they relax. Repeat this exercise with other muscles in your body including your shoulders, neck, arms, legs, feet, stomach, buttocks and facial muscles.
Deep Muscle Relaxation
Get into a comfortable sitting position with your shoes off. Clench your hands into tightly balled up fists for 10 seconds and slowly release the grip. Pay close attention to the feelings of relaxation such as the tingling and warmth of the muscles.
Do not tense your muscles again. Instead focus your energy on the feelings you experienced when you relaxed those tensed muscles. Allow that feeling to slowly spread to other parts of your body including your arms, legs, back, torso, shoulders, neck and other areas. Do not force yourself to relax; if you allow the relaxed feeling to spread throughout your body you will relax naturally.
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Picture yourself somewhere that feels safe and relaxing such as a warm, sunny beach, a grassy field or even someplace completely imagined.
Focus your energy on the details of the scene; such as the color and texture of the ground, the time of day, how the wind smells and feels as it blows. Focus on any sounds you might hear such as waves crashing on the shore, birds chirping or trees rustling in the wind.
Continue to be still and focus on this image for about five minutes or more.