Home Remedies for Anxiety Relief
One easy remedy for anxiety disorder is to share your feelings and fears. Talking with a trusted, understanding family member or friend provides an emotional release, according to 2HomeRemedies.com.
Stay healthy
Foods high in calcium, such as dairy products, and protein, like lean meats, can help calm anxiety. Avoid spicy foods, which can escalate anxiety.
Exercising regularly will also help. HomeRemediesWeb.com suggests a calming exercise like yoga or even breathing exercises.
Getting enough sleep will also ease anxiety symptoms.
Doing an activity like reading, watching television, or talking with friends (about an unrelated, stress-free topic) will take your mind off the issue that is causing your anxiety. Focusing on a specific task or just counting numbers in your head can also work.
Herbs/natural cures
Drinking chamomile tea can calm your anxiety as well, according to HomeRemediesWeb.com. Some people also take kava, a plant with a sedative effect. Kava can be consumed in tea or in a capsule, but you should consult a doctor before taking it.