How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking by Hypnosis
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pen/Pencil
Sit down in a quiet, comfortable area and decide exactly what you want to accomplish with the hypnosis. Define your end goal as a specific and positive affirmation, such as "I am capable of speaking in public" or "I embrace the courage to speak in front of people." Write a couple of these affirmations on a piece of paper. Affirmations are useful, and powerful; they can imprint ideas onto your subconscious mind.
State the affirmations out loud. If possible, look in a mirror while doing this. This will set forth your intention.
Set aside a half hour of uninterrupted time for the hypnosis procedure. Position yourself in a seated position comfortably.
Breathe in deeply as you close your eyes. Give your body permission to relax deeply. You can tighten each muscle group of your body, hold it tight for a few seconds, and then release the tension.
Keep your eyes closed as you envision yourself on an elevator that is going down. Watch the floors descend at a slow pace, going from ten to one. Watch the elevator stop at the first floor, the door opens and there is a room in front of you that you know will contain anything that you need to accomplish your goal.
Picture yourself in that room, fulfilling the affirmations that you had written earlier. You could be watching yourself giving a passionate or informative speech. Feel your body experiencing the excitement and glow of doing a great job delivering the speech flawlessly. Smile out into the crown of eager faces. Envision everything that you would want to ideally happen and embrace the experience fully. Take as long as necessary to feel happy and comfortable with that situation. Continue to breathe deeply through this exercise.
When you are ready, go back to the elevator. Step inside and watch the floors slowly ascend, one to ten. When you reach ten, open your eyes slowly and notice how you feel. Journal your journey to fully grasp and embrace the experience.