Ways to Calm Anxiety
Eckhart Tolle, spiritual teacher and bestselling author of "The Power of Now," suggests you practice conscious breathing as a form of meditation if you're feeling stressful or worried. Tolle says, "Follow the breath with your attention as it moves in and out of your body. Breathe into the body, and feel your abdomen expanding and contracting slightly with each inhalation and exhalation..."
Do a walking meditation. Walking meditations are very powerful, mainly because you are very much aware of your body. Walk outside at a regular pace for about 20 minutes, feeling relaxed. Pay attention to your body as you move. If you get distracted by something else, bring your awareness back to your body. Notice how you feel while you're walking. Scan your body mentally and where you find tension, just let it go.
Write in a journal. Release stress as you write out your feelings--problems and solutions will come to you. Writing down your fears is a powerful way to vent and soon your fears will be eliminated.
Henriette Anne Klauser, Ph.D., president of Writing Resources and bestselling author of "Write It Down, Make It Happen" says, "Writing down your fears takes away their hold on you; writing out the reverse of your fears...empowers and energizes you to start thinking differently."
Exercise to get your endorphins moving and flowing. You'll feel good all over. Endorphins are natural pain-killers, produced by your brain and affecting your emotions in a positive way. Any kind of exercise will release endorphins, including a game of sports. Workout and you'll feel more confident and in control of your life.
Walk about 30 minutes daily. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise, allowing you to de-stress and unwind peacefully. Walking also helps you find solutions to your problems easily.
According to the Mayo Clinic, get started on an exercise program you really love. "Don't train for a marathon if you dislike running. All forms of movement--from horseback riding to swimming--can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy."
Practice yoga alone or take a yoga class. Yoga is an excellent exercise to help relieve stress and anxiety. Learn how breathing and stretching helps you have peace and tranquility as well as control of your body and mind.
Play your favorite songs when feeling anxious and let the music carry you away. Store songs on your iPod or other handy device if you haven't already, so you'll have your music available at all times.
Listen to calming music. Buy recordings of nature sounds, which include falling rain, ocean waves, rain forest sounds and more. These are available on CD for purchase online or at a music store.
Other Techniques
Relax with a hot cup of green tea or your favorite herbal tea. Avoid coffee--the caffeine can cause you to feel more anxious. Prepare your favorite meal. Watch a comedy or a funny movie. Laughter relieves anxiety quickly.
Take valerian root, a natural calming herb that comes in capsules or tea bags. Lavender is used as a relief for anxiety, stress and depression along with other types of healing. Use lavender essential oil to relax by putting a few drops on your wrist, in your bathwater, in an aromatherapy lamp or inhale from the bottle.
Consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.