How to Treat a Blushing Problem
The first step to treating a blushing problem is to gain self-esteem and self-acceptance. Social anxiety is often accompanied with feelings of inadequacy and fear of judgment by other people. As soon as you learn to accept yourself, you will be able to end your embarrassing blushing. There are trainings and courses you can take online or in person.
The next step to treating a blushing problem is to go to therapy. Therapists will work with you to help you recognize your negative thoughts and reprogram them with more positive thoughts. Make sure to find a therapist that has experience working with people who have social anxiety and a fear of blushing.
The third step to treating a blushing problem is to face the feared situation. Oftentimes people who are suffering with social anxiety and phobia will avoid situations that have people for fear that they will blush or do something else that they perceive as stupid. The only way to treat blushing completely and get over your social phobia is to make yourself do it. A therapist will often be able to take the first steps with you.