Anxiety Medication for Pregnant Women
Prozac (fluoxetine)
Prozac (fluoxetine) comes classified as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), a group of antidepressant drugs deemed infinitely safer for pregnant women than monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), another form of antidepressants. Studies show that SSRIs generally do not carry an increased risk of miscarriages or stillbirths. Withdrawal symptoms, a sometimes common occurrence among babies exposed to antidepressants, carries a limited threat as it's unlikely for Prozac to lead to dependency issues in the first place. Like all antidepressants, women should know the risks involved with taking SSRIs while pregnant. One study indicates that, although highly unlikely, some infants exposed to SSRIs late in their development could be born with pulmonary hypertension, a severe breathing condition.
Paxil (paroxetine)
Paxil (paroxetine) carries risks for pregnant women including greater odds of birth defects, especially if the expectant mother used the drug during the first trimester. Paxil may also lead to infants experiencing withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors, intense crying fits, digestive problems and disturbed sleep. Thankfully these symptoms tend to last for just a few days. However even the FDA admits that the benefits of taking Paxil may outweigh the risks, as the drug has been shown to effectively battle feelings of intense anxiety. Pregnancy remains a challenging time for many women. For those already prone to severe anxiety issues, the problem can become debilitating. Untreated symptoms can lead to undue stress on the infant as well.
Luvox (fluvoxamine)
Luvox (fluvoxamine) remains an effective means for treating social anxiety disorder, a devastating condition which can include racing thoughts, obsessive compulsive behavior and severe paranoia at the thought of engaging in social interaction of any kind. The condition can ruin one's quality of life, especially those of pregnant women and their unborn child. Like most SSRIs, Luvox carries the risk of complications to the baby, such as respiratory problems. Therefore taking Luvox for the first time, or continuing to take a prescribed dosage, should be thoroughly discussed between a pregnant woman and her doctors. However be aware that completely stopping your dosage could lead to a relapse of severe anxiety.