What Is Listening Anxiety?
ESL Situations
Situations in which English is being taught as a second language or the environment is not ESL-friendly, such as in a non-ESL classroom, can cause a high level of anxiety in non-English speakers.
Major Causes
Doubt in the non-native English speaker's ability to interpret the English language can be a major contributor to listening anxiety. Another source could be if an individual has never had a listening class before. Unrealistic expectations of understanding every word, context and meaning can also lead to anxiety.
Self-esteem is often affected by listening anxiety. Students with listening anxiety often feel inferior to classmates and easily compare themselves with others in the class.
Other Causes
Studies show that many language teachers adopt directive, authoritarian and in some cases intimidating approaches to teaching. Teacher prejudice toward favoring students who have been more successful at learning the English language can also contribute to listening anxiety on the part of the students who are less favored.
Severe cases of listening anxiety could lead to more pronounced anxiety disorders or even depression. Speaking with school counselors can be a good way to seek treatment and support for listening anxiety.
Other Ways to Help
Support yourself through continuing to eat healthy meals and engaging in regular exercise. When listening anxiety begins to manifest, redirect anxious thoughts and breathe deeply.