Exercises to Build Self Esteem
Low self-esteem can result from a non-supportive family life while you were growing up. It can result from stress or what seems to be an escalating and ongoing case of bad luck. Perhaps you have a co-worker or boss who always denigrates everything you do. All these things can lower your self-confidence and make it harder to climb back up out of the pits of despair. Low self-esteem can also be a result of depression. If you have ongoing bouts of despair, sadness and just lack a will to live and thrive, you should consult a doctor; depression can lead to suicidal thoughts.
Greet yourself in the mirror each morning with a kind thought or actually say to yourself aloud, "I am worthy, I am a good person, and I have value." Whatever mantra you can think of, tell yourself this phrase every day. You will start to believe it after awhile because it is true; you just need to affirm that fact.
Take care of your body and your health. Avoid junk foods and follow a healthy diet and exercise at least three times a week. Exercise releases endorphins and gives you a feeling of well being, according to the mayoclinic.com website.
Dress in clothes that heighten your mood. If you cannot afford a new outfit, shop at garage sales or thrift shops, suggests the athealth.com website. Dress like you feel good about yourself, as if you are successful. Remember to practice good grooming. Putting on makeup every day and keeping your hair and nails well groomed will make you appear to others as a confident person and eventually you will become one.
Pamper yourself and do something specifically for you every day. This may be working on a woodworking project you never seem to have time for, or giving yourself a pedicure. Take time to read a good book or take a bubble bath if this is something you enjoy. Go out to lunch or a walk with a friend you enjoy, find time to fit into your life the things that are important to you. If you do not take time to make yourself feel important and special, no one else will either.
Smile at others when you pass them in the hallways or on the streets; smiles seem to multiply if you share them. Do something nice for someone anonymously each week. You will reap the rewards inside and the secret joy will be reflected on the face you present to the world.
Surround yourself with people and décor that you love. Do not devote time to people who bring you down, spend time with people who value you and who uplift your self-esteem. Make your apartment or home a safe haven where you surround yourself with things you love. Have a candlelight dinner by yourself or with that special someone if that is what it takes to make you feel valued.
Stop procrastinating, make a list of things you need to accomplish each day and do them one by one. Place the priorities in order of importance and cross them off one at a time as you accomplish them. Seeing the progress you make in black and white is important.
Write down your goals and start accomplishing them now. If you have always wanted to take up the trumpet, take steps to make that happen. If you want to change careers or lose weight, write down the goals and take proactive steps forward to accomplish that task; even if it is just taking baby steps, the forward action will inspire you to do more.
You are unique and precious and you should make the most of your gifts and share that with the world.