How to Help a Child With a Vomiting Phobia
Be patient and calm whenever the phobia presents itself. In many cases vomiting phobia is triggered by a fear associated with the act of vomiting. Being loud, anxious, hysterical, or angry at a child will only add to the negative association that the child has developed with vomiting. Instead, reassure your child and always attempt to convince him that vomiting is natural.
Watch for food or activity avoidance. Many children will begin to avoid any food or activity that they associate with nausea or vomiting. Watching your child and noticing when she avoids something will help you gain insight into what may have instigated her vomiting phobia.
Consult your family doctor if patience and reassurance does not help alleviate your child's anxiety. The family doctor is usually the best person to speak with regarding the way your family has handled the vomiting phobia and what you believe may have caused it. A doctor will be able to suggest professional methods of treatment, including therapy sessions to address the phobia. It is extremely important to seek professional help as soon as possible to help increase the chance of curing the child of his phobia.